1. Does the insurance cover the accessories for e.g. the Apple Pencil and Logitech Ruggerdised Combo 4)?
Insurance coverage is only for the iPad (device) and does not cover the
Warranty coverage includes the iPad (device) as well as the accessories
in the bundle (Apple Pencil and Logitech Ruggerdised Combo 4).
2. Can I make use of my child’s Edusave to pay for her device if I am choosing the purchase the iPad (Option 2) on my own?
No, Edusave can only be used for the purchase of MOE iPad Bundle, Option 1.
3. If I do not buy the MOE iPad Bundle using Edusave, what will happen to the fund in the Edusave account?
Edusave is used for a wide variety of purposes e.g. enrichment, overseas trips. The amount can be used for other purposes and can be rolled over to subsequent years if not fully utilised.
4. Any support for financially needy students?
Financial support is available for students on Financial Assistance Scheme. Students who need financial assistance can apply by Week 1 of the school year. Form may also be obtained from the school General Office.
More information can be found here:
5. I have a Windows touch-screen enabled device. Can my daughter use it?
No, only iPads can be enrolled into MOE DMA for Crescent Girls’ School.
6. I have a MacBook. Can my daughter use it instead?
No, there are limitations with using MacBook for e.g. inking feature which is crucial, especially for some subjects like Mathematics and Science.
7. Can the iPad be used for personal use after school hours?
We strongly recommend that the iPad not be used as an entertainment or lifestyle device after school hours. However, parents who wish to use the iPad for personal use, may opt for DMA Option B (refer to the section above on DMA).
8. If I were to purchase an iPad on my own for my daughter (Option 2) or using existing iPad (Option 3), can she choose not to install the DMA?
No. DMA is compulsory for all students who bring their device to school as a Personal Learning Device (PLD).
9. How do I seek help if my daughter is facing technical difficulties on her device / her device is not working properly?
Please advise your daughter to log a case using the school Case Logging System (https://for.edu.sg/cgscaselogging). Our school Technical Assistant (TA) will contact your daughter and assist her accordingly.
10. What if my child lost her device?
Please make police report immediately and inform the school about it using the school Case Logging System (https://for.edu.sg/cgscaselogging). We will advise accordingly.