Symphonic Band
Established in 1967 as a military school band, Crescent Girls’ School Symphonic Band has since then, expanded to become a symphonic band with a wide range of instruments, under the steadfast guidance of Mdm Tan Soh Hwa, Mr Chua Tiong Hong and Mr Patrick Neo. With the band motto, Et bientot le meilleur — the best is yet to be, in mind, members of Crescent Girls’ School Symphonic Band have never failed to put in their best efforts to constantly improve their skills and techniques – never giving up nor holding back, but are always working together as one band to achieve their goals.
Under the guidance of the conductors, the band put on numerous performances both internally and at venues such as Esplanade for Limelight. While it has certainly not been an easy journey, Band members have shown their determination and perseverance in striving for betterment of their performances.
Limelight @ Esplanade
Singapore Youth Festival
Singapore International Band Festival
Asia Pacific Band Festival
Band Exchange
Ms Norzaidah Suparman
Ms Nur Rafiqqa Binte Mustapha
Mdm Sim Siew Geok
Mdm Kalyani
“Being in band has risen me up to be a better player and a better person at heart. Not only do we learn music, but we also learn to face our challenges head on and solve them. The atmosphere in CGSSB has also been very friendly and nurturing, where my seniors are always there to guide me every step of the way. Furthermore, the thought of making music with my instrument brings me immense joy and excitement. In CGSSB, our instructors come up with fun and exhilarating ways to get us to improve on our skills and techniques while always surprising us with the coolest scores to play. No matter how difficult the piece may be, I have never failed to enjoy this experience in CGSSB!”
- Nur Dania Aqilah (2C1), Junior Band Leader
“Being in CGSSB has given me the opportunity to discover and pursue my passion in music. Music has since become an important part in my life. Not only that, I am also able to make many memories with people whom I hope to call my lifelong friends in CGSSB. Despite having long practice hours, the satisfaction of performing makes it worth it. With encouragement and support from teachers and instructors, we can learn how to strive for our best and to persevere through all the challenges. As I progress further into life, I will cherish these memories and lessons that I’ve made and will forever be grateful for being a part of CGSSB.”
-Keira Cheung (3G5) EXCO 2024-2025
“Music has always been a big part of my life. I always strive to gain opportunities to help me understand music better. CGSSB has allowed me the opportunities to express myself as a musician and artist through music. CGSSB has made me understand different types of music, and I hope that one day I would be able to analyse them. Furthermore, CGSSB has taught me many good moral values such as responsibility and respect. These, I believe will help me a lot in the future. I feel that in CGSSB, I can fully express myself during the practices and strive to be better.”
⁃ Carys Ong Kai Xuan (1S6)
“Being a part of Band not only allowed me to appreciate music and improve my playing, it has also taught me valuable life lessons. Despite the tough hours of practice during CCA, I learned to listen, adjust, and adapt to others. There is nothing compared to the satisfaction felt when the Band comes together to create one harmonious sound. As I continue to evolve, I carry with me the meaningful lessons learned, forever grateful for the profound impact it has had on shaping who I am today.”
- Danielle Lim Zhi Ling (4S2)