Netball in Crescent Girls’ School is an established and increasingly popular CCA. Netball is a fast-paced game that not only requires good teamwork and stamina but also quick and flexible thinking in order to strategize effective gameplay.
In Crescent, training takes place twice a week, and three times a week leading up to the National School Games season. Students are given ample opportunities through their course of study to participate in netball competitions and carnivals. Netball training includes strength-building and conditioning, skills mastery, understanding of tactics through video analysis and court games. This training not only builds up our members’ fitness and skills, but also develops us in our perseverance and determination, reminding us of the importance of never giving up. Although the long hours of training under the hot sun can prove to be exhausting, the results attained on the court is jubilantly gratifying
Crescent Netball is made up of dedicated netballers who have great passion and drive. The team spirit of Netball is one that cannot be described in words. The intangible feelings of familiarity, trust and comfort are unique to Netballers. We are each other’s pillars of support, and we have Netball to thank for bringing us together as one.
National Schools ‘C’ Division South Zone Netball Championships
National Schools 'B’ Division South Zone Netball Championships
Sneakers Carnival
Pesta Sukan
Netops Carnival
Mdm Farihah Bte Md Atar
Ms Nur Liyana Bte Abdul Rahman
Mrs Lim Poh Ping
Netball has taught me the importance of teamwork, communication and taking feedback positively to help both ourselves and the team do better. During netball we do different drills and play matches to both help the team and us as individuals improve our skills. I find netball really fun and that it has taught me lifelong skills, such as to be more open-minded and resilient when facing challenges and to become a better player. - Maya Jonsson-Goh
Netball has aided me in my pursuit of becoming a fitter individual, where the tough training sessions have effectively inculcated a strong sense of resilience and tenacity in me. This has made me adaptable to change in my studies and other commitments. Weekly bonding and camaraderie with my teammates and seniors alike add invaluable enjoyment to the sport, as we forge lifelong friendships along the way! - Lim Yat Kwan Angel Wathida
Being in the Netball CCA has made me a more versatile player. I have been given opportunities to play different positions to experience what each player goes through during a game. I have also learnt how to push through even when I get tired or am facing challenges. Through Netball CCA, I have learnt not only skills on court but also lifelong skills that will help me in the future such as teamwork and being receptive to feedback. - Arwen Khor (Xu Kai Yi)
With the support and guidance of my teachers and friends, I strive to do better and build my self-confidence. Through Netball CCA, I have become more open-minded which helps me to develop a growth mindset. I learned that teamwork is important to enable the team to succeed. Even through setbacks, the team works hard and does not give up. - Harinisree Venkatesan
My Netball CCA experience has made me more receptive to feedback. I would take feedback positively and find ways to work harder to become a better player. Additionally, I also learned the importance of teamwork and communication which would then allow us to thrive as a team. - Ang Xin Yi Clara