Crescent Hockey has a long history dating back to 1959 and is one of the longest running CCAs in Crescent Girls' School. In the early years, Crescent Hockey gradually gained recognition by achieving numerous awards in both district and national tournaments under the guidance of the teacher-in-charge and former coach, Mr Julian Hwang. The senior team had its first taste of winning when it clinched the first position in the District Tournament in 1971, followed by the junior team in 1975. In 1995, Mr Nordin Manaff took over Mr Julian Hwang’s position as coach. Under Mr Nordin's leadership and guidance, Crescent Hockey has continued to excel and has emerged consistently as one of the top 4 teams in the National School Games competition.
Since the resumption of the National School Games after the COVID pandemic, Crescent Hockey has continued to achieved stellar results. In 2022, Crescent emerged as double champions, bringing both the ‘B’ and ‘C’ Division Championship home. In the year 2023, we were 2nd runners-up for the 'B' Division and once again achieved gold in the 'C' Division Championship. Most recently in 2024, we were 1st runners-up in the 'B' Division and also emerged as champions in the 'C' Division.
These accolades do not come easy. Over the years, many Crescent Hockey teams have repeatedly paid and continue to pay the price of excellence. Hard work and dedication have long been the definitive culture of all Crescent Hockey teams and is most clearly demonstrated during training sessions which take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. In order for our players to play at their peak, these sessions include fitness and agility training as well. Additionally, we place significant emphasis on the theoretical aspects of the game and engage our players in theory lessons through video analysis of their games. We also participate in national leagues and by pitting ourselves against tougher opponents, our players will be able to gain valuable experience which will definitely aid them in the long run.
Nevertheless, to ensure that members of the team benefit from a holistic development, the teachers regularly review the academic performance and general conduct of the individual members of the Crescent Hockey team. This is to better support the team and to introduce assistive structures if deemed necessary.
To ensure that Crescent Hockey community upholds the spirit of togetherness, the Crescent Hockey Club was formed in 2002 by ex-Crescentians. Through this club, hockey carnivals and past versus present games are held occasionally to enable the current generation of Crescent Hockey players to bond with their seniors. This is to provide an opportunity for Crescentians to interact with one another, share their experiences and most importantly, to create a sense of belonging towards what we call, the Crescent Hockey Family.
National Schools ‘B’ Division 11-aside Tournament
National Schools ‘C’ Division 11-aside Tournament
Get Active Singapore! Pesta Sukan
Singapore Hockey Federation National Women’s League
Singapore Hockey Federation National Junior League
Crescent Hockey Past vs Present Carnival
Crescent Hockey Club Annual 6-aside Carnival
Hockey Camp
Friendly matches with international visiting clubs or schools
Mr Christian Seah
Ms Shannon Loh
Mr Kinglsey Ng
Ms Pauline Chor
During my time in Crescent Hockey, I have learnt to be a leader that displays sportsmanship. I have also been given the opportunity to forge new friendships and improve my skills. Trainings are always filled with laughter and joy and there was never once where I dreaded training, always taking away a valuable lesson from the sessions. Though training would occasionally be tough, the support from Coach Nordin and teachers is what keeps us going. Overall, I do not have any regret joining Crescent Hockey. I will be forever grateful to have a team that works hard and archive great things together as one. Crescent Hockey #1! - Beth Chow (2G2)
I have made unforgettable memories and strong bonds throughout my four years in Crescent Hockey. It has taught me invaluable lessons— discipline, teamwork, resilience, and, of course, the CresDIET values that guide us every day.
One of the most important lessons I have learned is the significance of teamwork. Crescent Hockey is unique because of how tightly-knit we are as a CCA. Over the four years, I have realized that teamwork is essential in hockey, especially since it is a team sport. Clear communication and cooperation are key to our success, and it is what helps Crescent Hockey consistently achieve top-three finishes every year.
What I enjoy most is how inclusive the CCA feels. Everyone is committed to working together to improve both our skills and our team chemistry. Attending CCA has never felt like a chore because I have always been surrounded by positive, hardworking, and caring teammates, coaches, and teachers. Whether it is during trainings or competition, hockey has given me the most unforgettable memories, filled with both laughter and challenges, all shared with an amazing team. I am extremely grateful for the experiences and friendships that Crescent Hockey has brought into my life. - Anisah Musfirah (4G1)