Discipline Philosophy and School Rules
Discipline Philosophy And School Rules
Crescent Girls’ School believes that a safe and orderly school environment, marked by student discipline and a culture of respect for self, peers and teachers, is necessary for learning to take place. The school is committed to helping all students to manage themselves and cultivate self-discipline, sound values and a strong sense of responsibility so that they will, in their pursuit of excellence, become ladies and leaders of tomorrow.
Students are expected to adhere to the school rules on:
(A) National Anthem and Pledge
Students are to stand at attention.
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
(B) Attire and Appearance
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and any modification is not allowed.
Students are to keep short, clean and unpainted nails.
Hair should be neatly combed and tied up.
No jewellery, cosmetics or coloured contact lenses are allowed.
Sports shoes with approved colours are allowed.
(C) Attendance
Students are to be punctual for school activities.
Students are to provide valid reason for late coming and absence.
In addition, the following are considered serious offences:
Damage of property
Open defiance
Full details of the school rules are found in the Student Handbook and explained to students at the start of each semester. Students are required to comply with all rules stated in the Handbook.
The Merit and Demerit System
Students who demonstrate exemplary character and values through their behaviour and actions are recognised through MOE and school-based awards such as the Edusave Character Award, School Merit Award and Honour Points. These awards aim to positively reinforce desired behaviours and actions, recognise students who would serve as role models to others and are used in consideration of student conduct grades and preparation of their School Graduation Certificates.
The school has clear guidelines to manage student misdemeanours. Consequences include verbal warning, demerit points, restitution, detention session and counselling. Recognising that parents play a key role in their children’s development, the school will engage parents to provide the necessary home support and reinforcement to enable students to grow from their disciplinary challenges so that they may flourish into disciplined and responsible members of society.